It is important to have a night-time hair routine which you follow through on a consistent basis. This will help in retaining hair growth, keeping up your hair’s moisture levels and protecting your hair from tangles and split ends. The basic point is to ensure your hair is properly protected while you sleep.

It always emphasised on this blog how important it is to moisturise and seal your hair. You may choose to do so twice a day which if you do; probably means you will need to moisturise and seal at night as well. Some people who moisturise and seal once a day might choose to moisturise and seal at night (I however do so only in the mornings; I am usually too tired at night). Even if you moisturise and seal your hair during the day at night times you can still use some oil over your whole hair, just for extra nourishment. Or you can choose to do nothing since you have already moisturised and sealed during the day (this is what I normally do).

The next step is to secure the hair somehow; I normally just bun my hair however you can also try twisting or braiding/plaiting the hair, the act of twisting or braiding/plaiting the hair before going to bed actually prevents the hair from tangling. However because I am usually too tired to be bothered with braiding my hair I just leave it in a simple bun.
The most important step is then to cover your hair. You must never use cotton and other fabrics which are known to suck out moisture from the hair. Rather stick to silk or satin only. This will ensure that your hair stays well hydrated during the night. Some ways to cover the hair before bed include using a scarf or hair bonnet. I have used both but now I use a scarf mainly because I am certain it is made of pure silk. Make sure you are not using polyester scarves that mimic the look/feel of silk scarves. You can however also use a hair bonnet which is usually made of satin. Like I always say use whichever works for your hair.

Some people sleep on a satin/silk pillow (pillow case) just in case the bonnet/scarf slips of, this in my view is merely a cautionary step. You can find a method of tying your scarf (I normally just make sure it is secure and not too loose) or securing your hair bonnet where it does not come off at night. Some people may choose to do away with the scarf/hair bonnet option and just stick to the silk/satin pillows.

Whatever options you choose, it is important for your hair to be well protected at night. Kindly share how you protect your hair at night before sleeping.


Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be. – Shel Silverstein