There are several natural ingredients that can help us in our quest towards achieving longer and healthier hair, one of such ingredients is garlic. Garlic has been used even in ancient times by the Egyptians as a remedy for various illnesses. Therefore garlic does not only benefit our hair but promotes overall health as well.

Garlic is excellent for hair growth because it helps to decrease shedding of our hair, boosts regeneration of new hair follicles, removes harmful toxins from our hair/scalp, promotes scalp circulation, enhances hair texture, controls hair loss and strengthens/reinforces our hair roots. I cannot stress enough how valuable this herb truly is.

The more pungent the smell of the garlic, the more beneficial it will be because it’s sulphur content will be higher. Sulphur is the structural part of many proteins including keratin the protein which our hair is made of, therefore garlic will work to fortify our hair. Garlic also contains other important minerals such as selenium, vitamin E, vitamin C and so on which are critical for hair growth.

Garlic can be used for hair growth in various ways which include:

Taking garlic pills: There are various garlic pills (including the odourless variety which I take myself) that can be obtained from the pharmacy which should be taken internally. Over a course of time (in as little as three weeks) an improvement in the hair should be seen.

Adding garlic to natural oils: You can infuse garlic into an oil such as olive oil or sweet almond oil. This can be done by chopping some garlic into very small pieces and putting it in some oil over a period of time say two weeks. This concoction should be kept in the fridge to prevent it from going rancid. Alternatively you can take the seemingly easier route by using store-bought garlic infused olive oil, the only problem with this is that you will be unaware as to how much garlic is actually in the olive oil. I advise mixing about a tablespoon of this oil into your shampoos, deep conditioners, hot oil treatments, pre-shampoo treatments where you can be sure to wash your hair afterwards to avoid the garlicky smell.

Adding fresh garlic to your deep conditioners: You can chop some garlic cloves very finely or mince them and mix into to your deep conditioners or alternatively you can add your garlic infused oil in to your deep conditioner as well.

Is this a natural ingredient you may try?


You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile – Charles Chaplin