The theme for this Week’s Wash Day Experience is Next Day Hair and I must say that I absolutely adore second day hair as you hair has had a chance to air dry properly and you can style it as you please. Anyway let’s get into the wash day post proper. This wash day was the first after I had relaxed my hair – I literally had to wait 3 weeks for this wash day because of the burns I had encountered on my scalp during my relaxer and also because of finding time to do it, so you can only imagine how greasy my hair would have felt.

I started off on Friday evening with a pre-poo treatment I used my trusty V05 Silky Experiences Shea Cashmere Conditioner and I sealed it in with Castor Oil. Castor Oil is one of my absolute favourite oils because it makes my hair feel really soft and I believe it penetrates into my hair better than most oils. I divided my hair into only 4 sections applied the conditioner and then sealed in the conditioner with my castor oil, I also did a mini detangle with my wide tooth comb however I did not have a lot of tangles as I had only just texlaxed my hair. I then covered my hair with a plastic/nylon bag and a shower cap and left the pre-poo in for one and a half hours.

I proceeded to shampoo my hair with ORS Aloe Creamy Shampoo, for some reason this shampoo even though it is meant to act as a clarifying shampoo, always leaves my hair feeling soft and detangled. Then I deep conditioned overnight (with my nylon/plastic bag and shower cap), although I also sat under my curl formers hooded dryer attachment for about 45 minutes. I used a mix of Wura’s Secret Deep Conditioner, ORS Replenishing Conditioner (New Packaging/Formula), Wura’s Secret Hair Growth Oil and Coconut Oil, I also sealed in the deep conditioner with some coconut oil, this is a form of oil rinsing.

When I woke up on Saturday morning, I combed my hair with the deep conditioner still in it and then proceeded to rinse it out with cold water. I then towel dried my hair thoroughly, oiled my scalp with Wura’s Secret Hair Growth Oil and applied my leave-ins, this time I used Cantu Shea Butter, Shea Moisture Curl & Style Milk and then I sealed everything in with coconut oil. I then combed my hair through with a wide tooth comb, I feel like I experienced more shedding/breakage than I would have liked which I might attribute to the ORS Replenishing Conditioner (New Packaging/Formula). I also found that this new ORS Replenishing Conditioner is different from the old one as regards its consistency and feel on my hair. It also does not mix very well with my other deep conditioner and left my hair with little particles which I find most annoying. I am going to have to hunt down the old bottles and stock up on that.

After combing my hair I put it up in a bun to air dry as I needed to head out for choir rehearsals. After rehearsals I had to run some errands with my hair still in a bun. When I got home I realised that the hair around the bun area was still slightly damp so I divided my hair into two sections and continued air drying in two pony tails I found that my hair dried in about 30 minutes. I have found that with air drying the more sections you do, the faster your hair will dry. However it is not my preference to go round with multiple sections of buns or ponytails that it is why if I have to go out I would put my hair up in a bun to air dry.

Air drying in a bun whilst running errands

The very next day was church so I wore my next day hair style which was my usual go to fuller, voluminous bun, I have a tutorial here and here.

Hope you all enjoyed reading this post; please share how your wash day went. I would also like to thank everyone that takes their time to out to read my posts, please send me an email if there is anything you would like me to post on or you can also leave a comment with your post suggestions below.
The Wash Day Experience


” We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” – Martin Luther King Jr.