Hello my precious lovelies I am so happy to be back with another post. I definitely intend to make good on my promise of more consistent posts. Now let’s get into it:

First it is important to determine whether your hair is shedding or breaking off. To determine this, you have to look for a white bulb at the end of your hair strand. A hair strand with a white bulb is shed hair whilst a hair strand without the white bulb at the end is a broken piece of hair. Also shed hair tends to be much longer strands compared to broken hair which are usually shorter strands. To read more about shedding please refer to my previous post here. If you are experiencing breakage you can also read on ways to stop it here. Please note that in the cooler months hair may shed more. Once you have determined that you are experiencing excessive shedding then you may want to try the following to combat it:

1. Scalp Massages: During harmattan or winter season various parts of our bodies may experience less blood flow which leads to those parts of our bodies feeling cold. This also happens to our scalp which can lead to more shedding. Therefore an effective way to combat this is by scalp massages which will encourage blood circulation around the scalp thus stimulating it, which can in turn lead to less shedding.
2.  Use a scalp oil: Using a good scalp oil such as Wura’s Secret Hair Growth Oil or even coconut oil on your scalp daily is effective in minimizing shedding. It is also important when applying the oil to give yourself a mini scalp message as you go along.
3.  Deep condition regularly: It is important to deep condition more regularly whenever you observe that your hair is shedding more than usual. That is definitely not the time to skimp on deep conditioning treatments. You would also want to make sure that you use both protein and moisture conditioners to ensure that your hair is balanced.
4.  Wear Protective Styles: Longer term protective styles could lead to less manipulation which will in turn lead to less shedding as your hair is just left to be.
5.   Moisturise and seal: When experiencing excessive shedding it is important to moisturise and seal the hair to hydrate the strands.
6.  Drink loads of water: In the harmattan season which usually happens at this time of year in the West African region we get more dehydrated. Even if you are in a temperate region where you experience winter at this time of year you also tend to get more dehydrated. It is therefore important to replenish our bodies’ moisture levels by staying hydrated by drinking water regularly which in turn will eventually lead to a more hydrated scalp.
7.  Black Tea Rinses: This method is an effective way to reduce excessive shedding. You simply steep between 2 to 10 bags of black tea in some hot water allow it is to cool and pour over your hair as a rinse. Cover your hair with a plastic cap for about 30 minutes, rinse and then use a moisturising deep conditioner as the black tea would usually make your hair hard and stiff. There are several other ways of doing black tea rinses and I have explained all of them here.
8.   Garlic: I have a very detailed post on how garlic can help combat shedding that you should read here. To combat shedding with garlic you can take garlic pills or finely mince some garlic cloves and add them to your deep conditioner. Some people also swear by the alter ego garlic deep conditioner to stop excessive hair shedding.
I hope this post will prove useful to anyone experiencing excessive hair shedding. If any of the tips do work for you please share here or kindly share any other remedies that have helped with your hair shedding. If you also have any additional requests on any topic you would like me to address please comment below.

PS. Please if you have not already kindly check out my blogger spotlight features on Naija Hair can grow and Fola’s Oasis.


“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.” – Maya Angelou, Celebrations: Rituals of Peace and Prayer