Hey my loves, I am back with another post. The smell of Christmas is in the air; I am so happy that the best season of all, is finally upon us. Anyway this post is on an alternative way to moisturise and seal our hair. It is often said that black hair is dryer than other hair types; therefore because of this our hair needs to be properly moisturised. You may find that your hair still feels dry after you moisturise and seal or that you have to re-moisturise and seal daily. This may be because you need to change the products you use or another reason could be changing the way you moisturise and seal your hair, this brings me to the loc method.

The loc method is when you moisturise your hair and then seal using 2 products to maximise moisture retention. It incorporates various layers of products for the ultimate moisturising experience. The loc method means –  
L – Liquid

O – Oil

C – Cream

The liquid can either be a moisturiser with a more liquid consistency such as the ORS Olive Oil Lotion, Shea Moisture Curl & Style Milk, Wura’s Secret Hair Moisturiser, your own hair spritz, (e.g. a mix of glycerine and water) or you can also use a leave-in with a liquid consistency such as the Elasta QP Leave-in H2 Conditioner.  The liquid will be the first thing you apply to your hair.

Oil can be any natural oil which you will typically use to seal your hair such as Olive Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Wura’s Secret Hair Growth Oil. The oil will therefore form the second part of this moisturising technique and would be the first sealing component.

Then you will use a cream which should be of a heavier, butter-based consistency. Some people use natural shea butter for this. Other alternatives could be the Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie, the Cantu Shea Butter Strengthening Treatment and so on.

For this moisturising technique it is important to find products that work for you and you can start with using the products you already have in your stash. If you feel that this technique does not work for you or you want to try another alternative you can modify the LOC method and use the LCO method where you will moisturise using a liquid first and then seal with a cream first and then an oil.

If your hair tends to get especially dry during the colder season (harmattan, winter) this is a moisturising technique that might just work for you. If you have ever tried the LOC method, the LCO method or other methods of moisturising kindly share in the comments section below or let us know if this method is something you would be willing to try.


Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor doth he sleep!
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men!”
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow