Hey my loves,
Hope you are all fine and hope everyone is doing well. I decided to do this post on the importance of oiling our scalp just before the commencement of the hair growth challenge which shall be my next post. I intend oiling our scalp to be a key part of the challenge so I thought it is important that I do this post first.
Our hair produces sebum which is a substance that nourishes our hair follicles the sebum is supposed to travel throughout the entire hair shaft. However due to the curly/coily nature of our hair strands the sebum may not always be able to travel properly that is why some of us tend to have dry hair and dry/itchy scalps. If you suffer from this sort of dryness oiling your scalp might be just what you need for extra nourishment and hair growth.
When oiling your scalp however it is important to make sure you do not over oil your scalp as this can in effect clog your pores. There are many advantages to oiling your scalp it promotes hair growth and lubricates/moisturises the scalp; oiling your scalp can prevent dandruff and itchy/dry scalp, it also improves the overall health of your hair.
It is important that the oils you use are only natural oils such as Wura’s Secret Hair Growth Oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil and so on.
There are several ways to use oils for your hair:
The main ways where the oils are applied to your scalp are as follows:
As a scalp oil: You may choose to oil your scalp every day or every other day or as often as you feel your hair needs it.
As a scalp massage oil: You can apply an oil to your entire scalp, section by section and massage it in for about five minutes.
Other ways oils can be used include:
As a pre shampoo treatment: You can take any oil of your choice and apply it to your scalp and hair, cover with a plastic cap and leave for at least fifteen minutes, you can leave it in for longer or even overnight if possible.
As a hot oil treatment: Warm your choice of oil and apply to your scalp and hair, cover hair with a plastic cap and go underneath a steamer, hair dryer or you can even wrap a warm towel around your head for an at home treatment leave on for about 20 minutes or longer.
As a sealant: It is very important after moisturising your hair to seal it with an oil.
As a hair conditioner: You can condition your hair with an oil alone or some oils mixed together, simply apply the oil on your hair and scalp, cover with a plastic cap and leave on for your desired amount of time (about 20 minutes or longer) you can use with or without heat. Here is another recipe mix together some olive oil with an egg yolk (or the whole egg if you prefer) apply on your hair and cover with a plastic cap (do not apply heat) leave on for fifteen minutes and rinse off.
Watch out for my next post soon loves.
“I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death” – Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom – Autobiography of Nelson Mandela
Erniesha Tibs
Hiya mami…So I just stumbled on your blog…lovely tips you got there…
Tibs Tells Tales
Juditherese Nnenna
Lovely write up dear! oils are very essential because they can be used for different purposes.
Looking forward to your next post 🙂
Thanks for your comment Tibs darling, xx
Thanks Nnenna love, xx
Bonnisa Gillings
I definitely need to start oiling my scalp a lot more – great post!
Very nice write up. Simple and easy to digest. Will definitely be applying the advice to my routine. Thanks