I relaxed my hair on Friday, the 23rd of August 2013. I must say that the stylist who relaxed my hair did not do a good job of it. At least for the relaxer part although she fared better when it was time to blow dry my hair.
Before going to the salon I coated my hair with some Wura’s Secret Hair Growth oil, my New Wura’s Secret Hair Moisturiser and Shea Moisture Coconut and Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie (review coming soon) and then sealed again with my Wura’s Secret Hair Growth Oil. I must say that I was very heavy handed with all the products and my hair was literally coated. For my scalp I applied a lot of Wura’s Secret Hair Growth Oil again.
I got to the salon and she relaxed my hair, mind you I was only 10 weeks post. She acted like my new growth was tremendous and she kept asking other stylists questions. At this point I should have asked her to stop but I felt bad because I actually quite like her (because she appears to be doing the best she can and always listens).
Anyway she relaxed my hair, washed it and put me underneath the steamer. She also blow dried my hair using a comb attachment, she was quite gentle at this point. My hair looked so lovely (I wish I had taken a picture then), however the next day I discovered a lot of relaxer burns around the perimeter of my head. I am now working on getting these burns to heal and will probably do a post on dealing with bad relaxers to help others who might be in this situation.
Here are a few pictures of my current hair length days after I had it blow dried and humidity had set in. Please note my hair was not flat ironed (which may have stretched it out even more) as I really despise the flat iron. I have the sort of hair that is thick and unruly and always seems to shrink until I get a flat iron to it and then it surprises me. But after all is said and done I absolutely love my hair.
This post is also a sort of Birthday Hair Growth Challenge update (on the length of my hair sort of, after the hair cut), I hope you all have entered and are reaping the benefits. Don’t forget that the end date is 26thOctober 2013 and the lovely prices up for grabs.
What have you all been up to hair wise?
Her need for me and mine for she has made my winter spring – Robert K. Charron
Yvonne N - Diary of a relaxed chic
Love your thick hair. sorry about your burns hope you can treat them. Am also due for a relaxer in a weeks time, I am a DIY relaxer!
Great results!
Aww…I'm sorry about your experience Belle. I had a similar experience with my last self-touch up. If you slather your burns with neosporin and vitamin e you can expect them to heal within a week or so.
Tomes Edition
Oh No, sorry about your burns. I have used Vaseline in the past and it heals very quickly. Love the thickness! Are you texlaxed?
Lesley Buckle
Gorgeous, love the thickness. Sorry to hear about your relaxer experience. I got burns every time I got a relaxer at a salon as the stylist just wouldn't listen to me. Try Aloe vera gel and be very gentle with those areas of your hair x
Aww I'm sorry about your burns 🙁 but I love how thick and full your hair is. Just lovely!
Ngozi M
Wow! lovely! how long did it take to achieve this length? sorry about the burns
Thick and lush results! Sorry about your burns!
Thanks Yvonne for your lovely comment, they are healing really fast. Will definitely be on the look out for your results, Best wishes!
Thank you KLP dearest, will be sure to try this out, xx
Thank you dear, I am not texlaxed although I think my hair is coarse and quite resistant to relaxers so it appears that way, xx
Thank you Ngozi love, not too sure how long it took me especially since I just got it cut (about 4 months ago) and I am trying to grow it back, hopefully by my next relaxer I should be at where I was at or close to it, xx
Thank you Jenijen you know how much I adore your hair, xx
Thanks Lesley love for your advice, xx
Dabs love, thanks for your comment, xx
Valentina Akpiri
your hair is nice, Although mine is natural, i still love yours.
Thank you dear Valentina, you are far too kind.
Your hair looks great, but I'm sorry to hear about the burns.
Base your scalp with vaseline next time instead of oil to prevent burning
Uzo O
From the picture you have there, i think you have the same hair texture as mine,i used to have the same problem with stylists at the salon. They always think the entire hair is filled with new growth.So what i do is guide them on how i want it relaxed,that way i dont get my hair burnt . i really like the colour of your hair though. Do you do a tea rinse or coffee rinse?
Thank you dearest Fancyflair, xx
Thanks for your comment dear, xx
Thanks dear, I have only tried a tea rinse once and it was not for me.
Chic Therapy
Your hair is so thick!I remember those days of getting relaxer burns!Definitely not fun..hope it heals real quick
Sorry about the burns dearie your hair still looks full, long and lovely.
Your hair is really beautiful.
Sowie about the burns.
I really hate those so much that I learnt to relax my hair myself n have not had a burn ever since.